This guide is based on the manual entitled "Glutarazidurie Typ 1 - Ein Leitfaden fur Eltern und Patienten" with the permission of the authors that appear on page 10 of the manual. The authors gave their approval for translation into Greek without being able to check the precision and accuracy of the translation.
Special thanks to the scientific team of the Department of Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Heidelberg University Hospital, especially Prof. Dr. Stefan Kolker, the willingness and heartfelt response to our request to allow us translating the particular broschure  into Greek so to make it accessible to many children both in Cyprus and Greece suffering from Glutaric Aciduria Type I.
We would also like to thank our dearest contributors Dr. Anthi Drousiotou and Dr. Persephone Avgoustidou Savopoulou the editing of this publication as well as the Cyprus Alliance for Rare Disorders "CARD", and especially the Executive Director, Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, for the sponsorship for the translation and publication of this manual.
We hope this guide will be a useful tool that will help both patients and their parents and health professionals in the treatment of glutaric aciduria type I. Those who require a free copy of the manual please contact Aspida Zois at the telephone no. 97750812


Kind Regards, 

Marios Vakanas

President of Association Aspida Zois